
“Why this car does not favor us?”

Brothers Bal and Purna shared a 90s model Corolla that had seen better days. They needed a car to get to their jobs across town, and this was all they could afford. My husband, Kevin, and I were forever helping them refill leaking fluids, jumpstart the battery, change flat tires, and call and wait with them for tow trucks. They regarded Kevin with great respect because he knew how to do such basic car repairs.

The brothers have come a long way since those days. They’ve worked hard and saved their money for newer and better cars. They both now own reliable Nissans, Bal a recent model Murano and Purna a stylish Altima. They feel so safe in their new cars that they now take road trips across the country to visit their relatives in Kentucky, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Nebraska. The trips have been without incident, other than joyful family reunions and exploring their new country.

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